Sunday, July 24, 2011

So many things...

Hello there!!

So! First things first, the Harry Potter premiere was awesome!! The costumes looked great and as soon as I can I will upload pics of the finished results!

On to other things...

Don't you love it when you try so hard to make sure that someone you love doesn't do anything stupid? Or you want them to get over themselves and just be normal and not try so hard to be older than they are???

...If these don't apply to you then I commend you for having the perfect life! Sorry, I don't wish to offend.

I happen to have a problem with some of the people in my life...I'm not going to name names but I worry immensely for these people... I just want them to be safe and not get into trouble or have to worry about anything...

Am I trying too hard? Am I fighting a battle against an immovable object?? It certainly feels like it...

But unfortunately, I will continue to sit up late every night, waiting until I know that they are ok...

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