Sunday, July 31, 2011

Someday my prince will come...

Like I said in my last post, I shall be talking about interesting/fun facts about Disney's theatrical released movies! (I have to say theatrically released or there would be too many movies to talk about)

This week I'm going to be talking about Snow White!! I'll be doing this in a point format so that there is some sort of order....

1. This was Disney's first ever feature length film, along with being America's first animated feature film, the first to be produced in color, and the first in Disney's Animated Classics canon..
        - lets just say that this movie had a lot of firsts! It's cool to think that Disney was the first to produce a film in color...the first ever in America!!

2. It's based on the Brothers Grimm German fairytale (which, as most Grimm Brothers tales are, is a lot darker than the Disney version...)

3. It was released in 1937

4. If you look at the cast list you will find it extremely short...there are only the bare essential voices for the necessary characters...If you watch the movie the animals don't have voices or make sounds, they merely have music to show their actions and feelings...

5. Introduced young girls to the concept of 'love at first sight'

6. Was the first Disney princess 

There isn't much to this movie, aside from the slightly creepy scenes with the evil Queen, it's a cute movie...true love prevails the end! Oh, one final note, this is the first movie that the prince rode off into the sunset with his beloved by his side with the 'and they lived happily ever after' concept!!

Friday, July 29, 2011

An Enchanted Moment

Inspiration struck me in the wee hours of the morning today when I realized, "I know what I'm going to blog about!!!" I was so very excited that I had to jump on here and write it all out for you...

My blog is going to be Disney oriented (At least for a while)

Now I know what you might be thinking- "Why the hell would I want to know things about Disney, what could she possibly tell me that I don't know already."-or something along similar lines...

But!! I want to assure you that there will be a least 1-2 things that you will learn about that you didn't already know... Now if you happen to be a uber Disney expert and I can't impress you with anything, please be my guest and fill me in on that and we can have a glorious discussion on all things Disney! 

Or if you want to just read about the cool little hidden meanings or things of the nature, along with interesting information belonging to the particular Disney movie, then I'm pleased to be something interesting to read! 

So without further ado, I will be starting with Disney's first!! Snow White!!

(Let me preface this by saying that I will be talking about the theatrical released movies made by Disney, because if I wrote about every single one that ever came out of the Disney warehouse then this would be forever long... :) )

Thursday, July 28, 2011

New Direction

Hi! So I'm trying to figure out what my blog should be about...

As you can see I don't really have a definitive point to any of my point...sad really...

But I've been trying to see what I could talk the next few posts will be trying to figure out what this blog should be about!

Until then, adieu!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

So many things...

Hello there!!

So! First things first, the Harry Potter premiere was awesome!! The costumes looked great and as soon as I can I will upload pics of the finished results!

On to other things...

Don't you love it when you try so hard to make sure that someone you love doesn't do anything stupid? Or you want them to get over themselves and just be normal and not try so hard to be older than they are???

...If these don't apply to you then I commend you for having the perfect life! Sorry, I don't wish to offend.

I happen to have a problem with some of the people in my life...I'm not going to name names but I worry immensely for these people... I just want them to be safe and not get into trouble or have to worry about anything...

Am I trying too hard? Am I fighting a battle against an immovable object?? It certainly feels like it...

But unfortunately, I will continue to sit up late every night, waiting until I know that they are ok...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Costume Party

I'm in the process of making costumes for the premiere of the final Harry Potter movie ('Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2). If it's not obvious I'm in love with the Potter series then I've not been clear enough. I LOVE IT!!!! Any way...I've made two wands (Draco's and Hermione's) and one full costume (Bellatrix) and I can't wait to finish the rest...

I'm in the process of finishing the Bellatrix wand and putting together a Hogwarts robe.

My only problem with this process is that I'm doing this on an extremely limited budget... I'm reusing everything and trying really hard to make everything look like it does in the movies.

Why does everything have to be so expensive?? I just want to make a costume!

But I digress...I'll keep going with what's left of my resources and try to make this premiere an amazing one!

The past


There's a lot to say here...and to be honest, I'm not sure how to word what I want to say...

I've been through hardship but I've been blessed...I'm a young adult starting to begin my life on my own. Stepping off the cliff that was the security blanket and diving into a world that I've only really ever seen.

I'm going to use this blog to document my new experiences and share them...

Wish me luck...